clibdocker  0.1.0-alpha.0
A Docker API for C
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
docker_util.h File Reference

Docker API utils. More...

#include <json-c/json_object.h>
#include "docker_result.h"
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Data Structures

struct  pair_t


typedef struct pair_t pair


d_err_t make_pair (pair **p, char *key, char *value)
char * get_value (pair *p)
char * get_key (pair *p)
void free_pair (pair *p)
json_object * make_filters ()
void add_filter_str (json_object *filters, const char *name, const char *value)
void add_filter_int (json_object *filters, const char *name, int value)
const char * filters_to_str (json_object *filters)
char * str_clone (const char *from)
char * get_attr_str (json_object *obj, const char *name)
d_err_t set_attr_str (json_object *obj, const char *name, const char *val)
int get_attr_int (json_object *obj, const char *name)
d_err_t set_attr_int (json_object *obj, const char *name, int val)
int get_attr_boolean (json_object *obj, const char *name)
d_err_t set_attr_boolean (json_object *obj, const char *name, int val)
long get_attr_long (json_object *obj, const char *name)
d_err_t set_attr_long (json_object *obj, const char *name, long val)
unsigned long get_attr_unsigned_long (json_object *obj, const char *name)
d_err_t set_attr_unsigned_long (json_object *obj, const char *name, unsigned long val)
long long get_attr_long_long (json_object *obj, const char *name)
d_err_t set_attr_long_long (json_object *obj, const char *name, long long val)
time_t get_attr_time (json_object *obj, const char *name)
d_err_t set_attr_time (json_object *obj, const char *name, time_t val)
json_object * get_attr_json_object (json_object *obj, const char *name)
d_err_t set_attr_json_object (json_object *obj, const char *name, json_object *val)
json_type get_attr_type (json_object *obj, const char *name)
const char * get_json_string (json_object *obj)
void add_array_str (json_object *obj, const char *name, const char *value)
void add_array_int (json_object *obj, const char *name, int value)
void parse_iso_datetime (char *date_str, struct tm *tm)
 Parse the iso date time from given string. More...
void parse_docker_stats_readtime (char *date_str, struct tm *tm)
 Parse the docker stats read time from the given string. More...
char * calculate_size (uint64_t size)

Detailed Description

Docker API utils.

Typedef Documentation

◆ pair

typedef struct pair_t pair

A simple pair of strings

Function Documentation

◆ add_array_int()

void add_array_int ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name,
int  value 

Add an int value to the array if it exits, or create a new one.

objthe json object containing the array
namename of the array
valuevalue of the array

◆ add_array_str()

void add_array_str ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 

Add a string value to the array if it exits, or create a new one.

objthe json object containing the array
namename of the array
valuevalue of the array

◆ add_filter_int()

void add_filter_int ( json_object *  filters,
const char *  name,
int  value 

Add an int value to the filter if it exits, or create a new one.

filtersthe filters object created earlier using make_filters
namename of the filter
valuevalue of the filter

◆ add_filter_str()

void add_filter_str ( json_object *  filters,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 

Add a string value to the filter if it exits, or create a new one.

filtersthe filters object created earlier using make_filters
namename of the filter
valuevalue of the filter

◆ calculate_size()

char* calculate_size ( uint64_t  size)

Get the size in bytes, kb, mb, gb, tb etc. (higest possible unit)

string with the description of the size

◆ filters_to_str()

const char* filters_to_str ( json_object *  filters)

Convert the filters object to a json string. Behaviour is undefined if filters is NULL.

json string

◆ free_pair()

void free_pair ( pair p)

Free the pair object


References pair_t::key, and pair_t::value.

◆ get_attr_boolean()

int get_attr_boolean ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name 

Get a boolean object with the given key from a json_object

objthe json object
nameof the string attribute
boolean value of attribute

◆ get_attr_int()

int get_attr_int ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name 

Get a int object with the given key from a json_object

objthe json object
nameof the string attribute
int value of attribute

◆ get_attr_json_object()

json_object* get_attr_json_object ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name 

Get a long long object with the given key from a json_object

objthe json object
nameof the object attribute
long long value of attribute

◆ get_attr_long()

long get_attr_long ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name 

Get a long object with the given key from a json_object

objthe json object
nameof the string attribute
long value of attribute

◆ get_attr_long_long()

long long get_attr_long_long ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name 

Get a long long object with the given key from a json_object

objthe json object
nameof the string attribute
long long value of attribute

◆ get_attr_str()

char* get_attr_str ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name 

Get a string object with the given key from a json_object (will return NULL if the attribute is not found).

objthe json object
nameof the string attribute
string value of attribute

Referenced by get_attr_time().

◆ get_attr_time()

time_t get_attr_time ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name 

Get the time_t object with the given key from a json_object

objthe json_object
nameof the string attribute
time_t value of the attribute

References get_attr_str(), and parse_iso_datetime().

◆ get_attr_type()

json_type get_attr_type ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name 

Get the json type of the attribute identified by "name" of the given json_object. See the json_type enum for possible values.

objthe json object
nameof the attribute

◆ get_attr_unsigned_long()

unsigned long get_attr_unsigned_long ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name 

Get a unsigned long object with the given key from a json_object

objthe json object
nameof the string attribute
unsigned long value of attribute

◆ get_json_string()

const char* get_json_string ( json_object *  obj)

Get prettified json string. The returned string is owned by the json_object, and will be free when the json_object is freed. If caller needs to use the string beyond the lifetime of owning object, create a duplicate.

objthe json object.
the json string.

◆ get_key()

char* get_key ( pair p)

Get the key part of the pair

string key

References pair_t::key.

◆ get_value()

char* get_value ( pair p)

Get the value part of the pair

string value

References pair_t::value.

◆ make_filters()

json_object* make_filters ( )

Create new filter json_object for use in calls to the docker API, which uses filters in many endpoints.

new json_object* which should be passed to all calls to filter methods.

◆ make_pair()

d_err_t make_pair ( pair **  p,
char *  key,
char *  value 

Create a new pair with the given key and value. The key and value strings can be freed, as the constructor creates its own copy of the strings.

ppair to create and return
keykey of the pair
valuevalue of the pair
error code

◆ parse_docker_stats_readtime()

void parse_docker_stats_readtime ( char *  date_str,
struct tm *  tm 

Parse the docker stats read time from the given string.

date_strinput date string
tmoutput time object

◆ parse_iso_datetime()

void parse_iso_datetime ( char *  date_str,
struct tm *  tm 

Parse the iso date time from given string.

date_strinput date string
tmoutput time object

Referenced by get_attr_time().

◆ set_attr_boolean()

d_err_t set_attr_boolean ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name,
int  val 

Set a boolean object with the given key in a json_object

objthe json object
nameof the string attribute
valstring value of the attribute
string value of attribute

◆ set_attr_int()

d_err_t set_attr_int ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name,
int  val 

Set an integer object with the given key in a json_object

objthe json object
nameof the string attribute
valstring value of the attribute
string value of attribute

◆ set_attr_json_object()

d_err_t set_attr_json_object ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name,
json_object *  val 

Set a json object with the given key in a json_object

objthe json object
nameof the string attribute
valstring value of the attribute
string value of attribute

◆ set_attr_long()

d_err_t set_attr_long ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name,
long  val 

Set a long integer object with the given key in a json_object

objthe json object
nameof the string attribute
valstring value of the attribute
string value of attribute

◆ set_attr_long_long()

d_err_t set_attr_long_long ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name,
long long  val 

Set a long long int object with the given key in a json_object

objthe json object
nameof the string attribute
valstring value of the attribute
string value of attribute

◆ set_attr_str()

d_err_t set_attr_str ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name,
const char *  val 

Set a string object with the given key in a json_object

objthe json object
nameof the string attribute
valstring value of the attribute
string value of attribute

◆ set_attr_time()

d_err_t set_attr_time ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name,
time_t  val 

Set a time object with the given key in a json_object

objthe json object
nameof the string attribute
valstring value of the attribute
string value of attribute

◆ set_attr_unsigned_long()

d_err_t set_attr_unsigned_long ( json_object *  obj,
const char *  name,
unsigned long  val 

Set an unsigned long integer object with the given key in a json_object

objthe json object
nameof the string attribute
valstring value of the attribute
string value of attribute

◆ str_clone()

char* str_clone ( const char *  from)

Clone a string for usage in internal apis. User of api can then get rid of their copy. (obviously wasteful, use with caution)

fromstring to clone from
cloned string, NULL if there is an error.

Referenced by docker_call_content_type_header_set(), docker_call_get_svc_url(), docker_call_get_url(), docker_call_params_add(), docker_call_request_data_set(), docker_call_request_method_set(), and list_dir_w_ignore().